Tuesday, 25 April 2017

25/04/2017 - My Original Lifelong Bucket List completed

Many of you reading this surely have a "bucket list".    I hope I can inspire you by telling you that as of April 2015 I have completed mine.  Its taken me a while to post this as I normally keep this sort of thing to myself, but I wanted to share it with everyone. So here you go:

  1. 2012:  Earned my wings (private pilots license)
  2. 2015:  Traveled to, stepped foot on and went bivvy camping on Antarctica
  3. 2015:  Solo 5400kms expedition/drive through the Patagonian Andes
  4. 2010:  Trekked the Mt Everest basecamp (EBC) trek- Chomolungma (Mother Goddess of the world)
  5. 2015:  Build and still use a true 4WD Expedition Camper van
  6. 2005:  Climbed a large mountain (alpine climbing) in Alaska
  7. 2013:  Went to Fiji and island hopped for 24 days
  8. 2005:  Solo drive the Alaska Highway 3860 miles in WINTER from Seattle to Anchorage under the Northern Lights
  9. 2001: Solo 2600 mile drive across the continental USA
  10. 2001: Skied at the birthplace of downhill skiing in Davos, Switzerland.

I am now working on my next bucket list.   I am in my mid-40s and feeling like I am 25 or 30 still! I hope this blog post can inspire others to keep dreaming and working towards their dreams! 

Col Norman D. Vaughan - RIP
My lifelong motto:  “Dream big and dare to fail!”

My lifelong hero: 
Col. Norman D. Vaughan

1 comment:

  1. Hello John. I Love your Delica!! I just purchased a perfect 300L myself and I'm starting in on the modifications. Two things I cannot find in the states are the rear ladder, and snorkel. Would you be so kind as to forward any information you may have that may narrow my search? Thanks and keep the rubber side down : )
