Sunday, 15 October 2017

14/10/2017 - New custom vinyl stickers...

Life is about good times and fun so IMHO you need to keep your sense of humor alive until they day you die because you never know when your day will come.. 

Saturday, 30 September 2017

30/9/2017 - new white steel rims and beaches

It’s been on my mind a while to do this after my last major mods when I got my bash plate, snorkel and ladder sandblasted, galvinized, and powdercoated; I finally got new white steel rims to replace my original alloy rims.   

The after effect is a very colourful match and these new rims are able to handle larger tyres such as 31” or 32” tyres.  

Saturday, 8 July 2017

20/6/2017 - Moved back to New Zealand!

Driving on Peka Peka Beach, New Zealand!

I've moved back to NZ!  Something's come in three in life. This time, my longtime partner and I broke up, I got an awesome new job and I realised that big city life was not for me.

Friday, 9 June 2017

28/5/2017 - Mods complete - now I have got massive lights & a VHF radio

1) Removed and sandblasted the bull-bar/bash plate/snorkel/rear ladder
2) Galvinised them all!
3) Powder coated everything!

Saturday, 13 May 2017

14/5/2017 - #Vanlife and simplicity

Get a vanlife!  Nothing beats it! Try it today & be forever changed!
Sometimes a simple #Vanlife is all you really need to be happy. 
Please share your adventure with me today:

Please follow me today:

Saturday, 29 April 2017

30/4/2017 - Everyone keep traveling its a reminder that we're free!!

4WD camping, New South Wales, Australia

Chilean Patagonian Andes

Milford Sounds, New Zealand

New Zealand's Southern Alps

Wellington Coast, New Zealand

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

25/04/2017 - My Original Lifelong Bucket List completed

Many of you reading this surely have a "bucket list".    I hope I can inspire you by telling you that as of April 2015 I have completed mine.  Its taken me a while to post this as I normally keep this sort of thing to myself, but I wanted to share it with everyone. So here you go:

  1. 2012:  Earned my wings (private pilots license)
  2. 2015:  Traveled to, stepped foot on and went bivvy camping on Antarctica
  3. 2015:  Solo 5400kms expedition/drive through the Patagonian Andes
  4. 2010:  Trekked the Mt Everest basecamp (EBC) trek- Chomolungma (Mother Goddess of the world)
  5. 2015:  Build and still use a true 4WD Expedition Camper van
  6. 2005:  Climbed a large mountain (alpine climbing) in Alaska
  7. 2013:  Went to Fiji and island hopped for 24 days
  8. 2005:  Solo drive the Alaska Highway 3860 miles in WINTER from Seattle to Anchorage under the Northern Lights
  9. 2001: Solo 2600 mile drive across the continental USA
  10. 2001: Skied at the birthplace of downhill skiing in Davos, Switzerland.

I am now working on my next bucket list.   I am in my mid-40s and feeling like I am 25 or 30 still! I hope this blog post can inspire others to keep dreaming and working towards their dreams! 

Col Norman D. Vaughan - RIP
My lifelong motto:  “Dream big and dare to fail!”

My lifelong hero: 
Col. Norman D. Vaughan

Sunday, 16 April 2017

16/4/2017 - Easter Weekend 4WD camping

So I decided to brave the horrific Sydney Easter weekend traffic to get away.  Rather than leave Thursday after work with 1.5 million people stuck in gridlock traffic, I decided to wait to the next morning to head out. 

Well the morning came and I left around 10am.  The traffic was very light crossing into North Sydney via the Harbour Bridge.  I think my driving GPS was set with the not then best settings because I was going the shortest possible route, but it was not set for then fastest.  After getting up into

Saturday, 8 April 2017

9/4/2017 - Bondi Beach: Doing nothing on a perfect Sunday morning...

Even van camping on a city beach parking is nice.. the morning here is magnificent..

Sunday, 26 March 2017

27/3/2017 - Sandblasting, galvinising and powder coating along side new UHF radio & LED HD lights (Part I)

Even though I already have a really nice portable, waterproof/submersible, UHF 5 watt radio/GPS receiver and a nice 4000 lumen LED bar on my van's bull bar, I wanted more lights and a real CB style radio.  So I ordered the following items as such and took my van to a 4WD specialist here in Sydney.  
AE4703 UHF h/D Radome Antenna, 6.6 dBi
My new CV radio - GME TX3100DP Super Compact UHF
Additionally, for a while now I have been wanting some work powder coating work done on my van. Namely I wanted to get the growing rush problem off my rear ladder, bull bar/engine bash plate and my snorkel. You see when this custom work was originally done,  I didn't have the budget for powdering so I went with standard painting. I guess living on the ocean I paid the price with rust!   Anyway check out the rust on this baby!

My bull bar alone removed from the front and underside of the van

This was just added - a platform for my new lights and an antenna holder.

My bull bar, bash plate, rear ladder and snorkel all ready to get fixed up nice!
This is just part 1 of this post because part II will be when its finished and looking all flash!  This is going to take some time to get this all sorted, so please do keep tuned in for more!

Monday, 13 March 2017

13/3/2017 - From Australia, it's time for hunting! Let the adventure begin!


It's been a long time since I have posted a blog entry.  After pain and trial, I finally imported my van across the Tasman Sea to Australia.  Now, its time to start exploring this great country.  Also, after getting my NSW firearms license, what else is there to do but
get a permit to hunt zombies?   :)